Shariah Supervisory Board
It is an independent body of scholars (fuqha’a) specialized in Islamic transactions jurisprudence (fiqh almua’malat). They oversight the Bank’s transactions, activities and products and ensure their compliance with Islamic Shariah provisions and objectives.

Sheikh Dr. Abdulaziz Khalifa Al-Qasar
Chairman of the Shariah Board
A member of the Shariah Board From 2006, a professor in the Department Jurisprudence of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Kuwait University (1997-2017), a member of the Advisory And Shariah Supervision Authority of a many of Islamic banks, institutions and financial companies inside and outside Kuwait, published many specialized researches and participated in many seminars and conferences of local and international economic jurisprudence

Sheikh Dr. Esam Khalaf Al-Enezi
Vice Chairman of the Shariah Board
A member of the Shariah Board From 2004, a professor in the Department Jurisprudence of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Kuwait University, a member of the Shari’ah Board of accounting and auditing organization for Islamic financial institutions (AAOIFI), a member of the Advisory And Shariah Supervision Authority of a many of Islamic banks, institutions and financial companies inside and outside Kuwait, published many specialized researches and participated in many seminars and conferences of local and international economic jurisprudence

Sheikh Dr. Ali Ibrahim Al-Rashid
Member of the Shariah Board
A member of the Shariah Board From 2012, a professor in the Department Jurisprudence and its Foundations of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Kuwait University, a member of the Shari’ah Board of accounting and auditing organization for islamic financial institutions (AAOIFI), a member of the Advisory And Shariah Supervision Authority of a many of Islamic banks, institutions and financial companies inside and outside Kuwait, published many specialized researches and participated in many seminars and conferences of local and international economic jurisprudence

Sheikh Dr. Mohammed Awad Al-Fuzaie
Member of the Shariah Board
A member of the Shariah Board From 2012, a doctor in the Department Jurisprudence and its Foundations of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Kuwait University, a member of the Shari’ah Standards Committee of accounting and auditing organization for Islamic financial institutions (AAOIFI) previously, a member of the Advisory And Shariah Supervision Authority of a many of Islamic banks, institutions and financial companies inside and outside Kuwait, published many specialized researches and participated in many seminars and conferences of local and international economic jurisprudence
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