Join our Fils Challenge through the Boubyan App and challenge yourself to save on a daily basis in a simple way. It is a yearlong savings challenge that helps you save small amounts every day to reach your end goal by end of the year of either KD 667, KD 1,001 or KD 1,335
How it works?
You can select from three different tiers:
10 Fils
15 Fils
20 Fils
You will save daily the tier you selected in increments. For example, you chose the 10 Fils Challenge, this is what you will save daily:
First day: 10 fils
Second day: 10 + 10 = 20 fils
Third day: 20 + 10 = 30 fils
Fourth day: 30 + 10 = 40 fils... and so on
Each day, the saving amount will be placed on hold in your selected account
The challenge will be for one full year (365 Days)
Once the challenge is completed, the total hold amount will be released and deposited into your account
The challenge can be manually ended at any time through the App and the the money saved will be released immediately into the selected account
Designed to fit your needs. Different services and features including Pay Me, digital onboarding & saving account opening, and many other services to make your banking experiences better and easier.
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يرجى تغيير برنامج متصفّح مواقع الإنترنت
استخدم أحد البرامج التالية للحصول على تجربة أفضل وأسرع عند تصفح موقع بوبيان الإلكتروني.