Boubyan Launches An All-New Mobile Banking App
Boubyan App, the Highest Rated App for Its Smooth Experience and Services, Becomes Smoother and Provides Customers With A Lot of Services
Al-Tuwaijri: We Always Listen To Our Customers, and Ask for Their Feedback to Incorporate Any Development or Update into Our Products & Services
Eighty Per Cent of Boubyan Customers Use Its Digital Channels With One Million Monthly Transactions
Digital Services’ Customers Grew By 33% In A Year; the Youths Are More Inclined Towards Using the App
Al-Tuwaijri: Boubyan’s Customer Is a Click-Away from Making Fixed Deposits or Requesting a Personal Finance Using His Mobile
Abdulla Al-Najran Al-Tuwaijri, Boubyan Bank’s Deputy CEO, stated that any introduction or innovation of a new service is the fruit of interacting with customers and continuously listening to their opinions, meeting their needs, and requirements in order to make their life easier and more comfortable.
These statements came in the press conference held to announce the launch of the all-new mobile banking App, and to review the most prominent developments introduced to services, and digital banking products which were offered for the first time in Kuwait by the bank, that made the bank stand out over the past years.
Al-Tuwaijri added that updating the mobile banking app comes in line with the bank’s steps towards providing the best levels of customer service, by contacting customers directly to know their views, wishes and needs.
An All-New Mobile Banking App
“What is easy has become easier, and simple things have been simplified even more with Boubyan Bank. This is what just happened. It is already known that Boubyan App is easy to use and user-friendly, but it became even easier, smoother and more user friendly with the recent update.”, Al-Tuwaijri stated.
He added: “As we keep an eye on the continuous international developments in the field of digital applications, and since Boubyan App is one of the top Apps in use in Kuwait, we thought it is necessary to roll out an update to keep pace with international developments.”
In this context, he referred to the App rating, which is the top among similar Apps in terms of ease of use, or growth of users, their feedback and rating of the App which all put the App in the lead.
In response to how the customer would receive the new update, Al-Tuwaijri stated: “It is no secret that any change goes through a testing period, and this is what we have already done as the new App was tested by a group of customers and staff and was well-received by all of them; they even enjoyed how easy and simple it was.”
All The Needs of Our Customers in the App.
Simply Put, Customers Have a Mobile Branch In Their Pockets
Al-Tuwaijri went on to add: “Customers’ needs include core services such as opening accounts, performing various banking transactions such as transfers and payment of invoices, and obtaining financing (murabaha) in addition to credit cards. Customers have quick and easy access now to these services through Boubyan App without the need to visit the branch even for once.”
“In Boubyan, we are about to achieve this, and we are closer than any other party aspiring to achieve this goal. Customers can now finalize the digital murabaha procedures and complete all the necessary procedures for obtaining the necessary financing online, then they will have to make a single visit to the branch to sign the contracts.”, he added.
He continued: “As for obtaining credit cards digitally, the bank is ready to offer this service immediately after receiving the required official approvals. It will be possible to obtain the required card in easy and simple steps, and the customer will have two options; either to be issued a digital credit card whose information is fully stored on his mobile, or online without the need for the traditional plastic card while linking the card’s information to the smart phone instead of the credit card where the phone itself will serve as a credit card to be used at any store or with any POS, or the customer may be issued the plastic card to receive the same at a convenient time through any of the card issuance machine in Kuwait.
Speaking of the possibility of opening accounts through the online or mobile banking services, Al-Tuwaijri stated that Boubyan customers could open any additional accounts in the main currencies or make any type of deposit in a minute through Boubyan App.
Retail Services and Business Banking
Al-Tuwaijri also highlighted the leap made by the bank over the past years at the level of digital service, and added: “The investment made by the bank in these services led to the excellence of the bank and its leadership among local and regional banks while being ahead of Islamic banks globally. Accordingly, the bank was named the Best Digital Islamic Bank in Kuwait, the Middle East and Globally for 4 years in a row.
He added: “Our digital services are mainly focused on individual customers and SMEs, considering that such segments are keen on having access to digital banking services to make their life easier and more comfortable. By doing this, Boubyan reiterates that it is the bank which provides its customers with a special way of life.”
“For the digital banking services, everyone knows that Boubyan Bank was the first to launch many personal digital banking services for the first time in Kuwait, the last of which was Msa3ed, the first chatbot in the Kuwaiti private sector.”, he stated.
Msa3ed, by Boubyan Bank, is the first service of its kind to be launched by a Kuwaiti bank as a chatbot service. It presents a new way of managing the relationships between companies and customers who seek to have quick access to information any time whether inside the country or abroad.
Msa3ed features include a lot of traditional banking services as customers can complete a lot of banking services and find answers to many queries related to their banking accounts including balance inquiries, credit card inquiries, and various forms of transfers in addition to other banking services.
A new group of e-Vouchers were added to the App including PSN cards, BeIn vouchers, Xbox, etc.).
Business Banking Services
Al-Tuwaijri referred as well to the bank’s focus on SMEs entrepreneurs and youths’ projects which witnessed great growth in the past years as the bank established a department dedicated to providing a group of special services.
Boubyan Bank has already launched a group of banking solutions for the business banking sector in light of the great growth in SMEs’ sector in Kuwait, and to encourage more young Kuwaitis to venture into this type of projects at various domains.
The business banking services were designed to be smart banking solutions that understand the needs of these projects while providing diverse exceptional benefits, allowing the smooth and easy management of banking transactions with a wide group of easy banking services available around the clock.
Boubyan banking services allow business banking sector companies, for instance, to manage company accounts, submit applications, check the balances, or retrieve the details of the account in addition to performing many other services online such as payroll transfers, local and international fund transfers as well as requesting chequebooks, audit certificates, and accessing all the accounts’ details, printing, uploading account statements, and deposit services, etc.
Why was Boubyan named the best globally?
Responding to a question about the international excellence of the bank which was named the World’s Best Digital Islamic Bank, Al-Tuwaijri said: “Referring to the reasons stated by Global Finance for naming us the Global Winner, we find that they are the strength of Boubyan’s strategy for developing its technological services and growing its digital customers’ database, creativity, and innovation of its digital services and products.”
In response to another question about the bank’s digital customers’ database, he added: “Eighty percent of our customers use the bank’s digital channels either through online or mobile banking services, and there is a growing trend for using the mobile banking App.”
“The year 2018 witnessed the fastest growth in terms of customers using the bank’s digital channels, especially smart phones with a growth of 33%; one of the highest local and international growth rates.”, Al-Tuwaijri continued.
He concluded: “The volume of digital banking transactions exceeds 1 million transactions per month approximately, which is almost equivalent to the transactions made through ATMs in light of the expectations that smart phone growth rates will be faster and bigger in the upcoming period.”