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Boubyan Steps
Our annual “Boubyan Steps Campaign” returns to continue with its message to enhance the healthy lifestyle and support humanitarian work through contribution to the cataracts-removal and eyesight-restoration surgeries.

Campaign Details
- How to contribute?
- Boubyan donates KD 1 to the surgeries of “Noor Boubyan Campaign” against each 1,000 steps walked
- How to participate?
- During the Holy Month of Ramadan of this year, everyone can participate by downloading the Boubyan Steps App which will help you while walking anywhere
- Moreover, we invite you to join us every day at Al Shaheed Park from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm, and you will receive 25% additional steps to be added to your total daily step count so as to increase your contribution to the humanitarian work
- Boubyan Steps in numbers
- More than 45,000 participants over 10 years
- Together, we walked more than 855 million steps
- We contributed to more than 14,000 eyesight-restoration surgeries for cataracts’ patients
- Your steps help alleviate the suffering of patients. More steps, More Eye Surgeries
- Join us and download the Boubyan Steps App