The Qur’anic Program for the Children of Boubyan Bank’s Customers
Out of the keenness of Boubyan Bank on giving our customers’ children the chance to recite the Glorious Qur’an properly, we are pleased to announce the launch of a program for correcting the recitation of the Glorious Qur’an (Tarateel), which will be held through remote communication channels. The program will tackle the grace of each Qur’anic Chapter, word meanings, the manners to be observed upon recitation as well as many other topics related to the Glorious Qur’an.
The program will be exclusively dedicated to the children of Boubyan Bank’s customers as follows:
- Age: 6 to 9
- The program will extend over two weeks ( two sessions per week) with each session extending for an hour
- Separate sessions for boys and others for girls (Girls’ sessions will have female Qur’an memorization specialists.)
- Only 20 participants will be selected through a draw (10 boys and 10 girls).
- The selected participants will be contacted via WhatsApp messages sent to their parents’ phones.