Boubyan Steps
Boubyan Bank has organized one of its charitable events, namely “Boubyan Steps”, for the sixth year in a row wherein everyone was invited to exercise walking at the prestigious Al-Hamra Mall, and, in return, the bank donated KD 1 per each 5 minutes of walking. The revenues of the campaign will be donated to eyesight restoration surgeries performed in Noor Boubyan campaign in Africa.
This year’s campaign witnessed a new event as Boubyan Steps App was launched for mobile phones, enabling anyone to participate in the campaign through the App, and to walk wherever he is. Within less than 20 days, the number of people who participated through the App reached 5,000, and the total engagements leading to donations by the bank reached 6,000 engagements through the App only.
It is worth-mentioning that Boubyan Bank has donated the revenues of the campaign's launching year to those with special needs, while the second year’s revenues were donated to cancer patients, and the revenues of the third, fourth and fifth years were donated to eyesight restoration operations in Africa where the bank managed over the past 3 years to perform more than 10 thousand eyesight restoration surgeries which helped children, youth and senior citizens alike.
The campaign successfully achieved its goals by attracting hundreds on a daily basis throughout the days of the Holy Month of Ramadan to exercise walking amid such a great atmosphere wherein a kids’ corner was specially designed for kids along with many daily events and nutritional consultations for everyone.
Date and Time
AlHamra Tower