Boubyan Bank Concludes Its Induction Program for New Branch Employees
As a part of its plans to enrich the experience of its human resources, Boubyan Bank has recently concluded its fifth induction program for new branch employees in cooperation with ITQAN Academy; the program was designed to introduce them to Boubyan Bank management systems and the nature of each department tasks.
In a press release recently issued by the bank, Boubyan Bank stressed that such programs reflected the bank's keenness on developing its staff experience, providing new recruits with the knowledge needed to perform their job duties at various branches, and introducing the various types of products the bank offers to its customers, which would reflect positively on the work environment and provide more knowledge for them so that they could provide the highest levels of service to customers.
The statement elaborated that the program had been designed to match the job nature of bank employees at various levels and that lecturers from various bank departments explain work systems at their respective departments, the role those departments play in the bank's main system and provide practical explanation that would enrich staff expertise and help unleash the true potentials of Kuwaiti youth and enable them to prove themselves in the private sector. The program is fully aligned with the bank's strategy focused on appointing, training, qualifying and retaining efficient national cadres.
Furthermore, the statement explained that the term of the program is 14 days with the participation of 21 of the bank’s employees, be they knew or experienced staff, as it mainly targets explaining work systems at various Boubyan Bank departments.
"Branch staff are particularly important due to their regular contact with customers as they represent the face of the bank in dealing with them, which requires their full knowledge of information related to the banking sector, Boubyan bank or the work in various departments", the statement explained.
It is worth mentioning that the program is regularly organized by Boubyan Bank’s Human Resources Group side by side with many other training courses and programs to enrich employees’ knowledge and expertise in a manner improves their customer service level.