Boubyan Bank launches Its Internal Staff Hackathon with Plug and Play
Boubyan Bank concluded a live Hackathon for its staff that helped unleash innovative ideas for new products and services that the bank sought to test. Building on the Bank’s innovative DNA, 24 staff took part in the Hackathon where they researched, ideated, and built concepts presented to the Bank’s management for review.
The Internal Hackathon emanates from the Bank’s belief that cross-functional teams are a great way of testing ideas and using the expertise seasoned bankers from different backgrounds whom over the three day Hackathon built cases for ways in which the bank can implement finch novelty in a way that would complement Boubyan Banks’ offering.
Adel Al-Hammad, General Manager – the Human Resources Group at Boubyan Bank stated: “We are very keen continuously to seek ways to develop and promote our internal talents giving them the tools and the platforms that allow for their innovation and growth. At its core, Boubyan Bank focuses on its ability to nurture and support the development of our talents across the bank’s divisions. The human element forms the nucleus of our innovative spirit.
Speaking of the Hackathon, Fouad AlObaid Assistant Manager Talent Management elaborated: “The structure of the Hackathon is a leveling field that allows for talents to emerge. With the adequate support and mentoring, we believe that our teams are able to develop innovative banking solutions for our esteemed clients. Internally, the benefit of bringing together individuals that otherwise might not work closely together has spurred countless ideas that developed into six solid concepts which were then presented to management at the end of the Hackathon.”
“We aspire to build an organization that is robust where learning is at the core of our staff development. We realize that today we live in an era where the true organizational wealth lays within our teams’ abilities to integrate data from multiple sources and translate them into meaningful decisions.”, AlObaid added.
Strategy and Innovation
For her part, Noora AlFassam - Chief Strategy Officer stated, “At Boubyan Bank we remain focused on exploring ways in which we can deliver products and services tailored to our client-base in a manner - that is both efficient and convenient. We strive to align our core value proposition with our customers’ expectations, and we further aspire to anticipate their future banking and financial transaction needs to remain ahead of the banking curve in the markets we operate within.”
She further adds, “To deliver on our clients’ expectation, events such as the Internal Staff Hackathon help to align the bank’s vision, thus ensuring that at the operational level, our teams deliver the highest customer service possible.”
The Learning Organization
In the upcoming period, Boubyan Bank has for aim the building of a learning organization where all staff will be encouraged across formal and informal learning tools to upskill in order to continue to innovate and deliver the expected services to the Bank’s customers.
For more details about the bank and its activities, you can browse boubyan.bankboubyban.com, contact us at 1820082, or visit one of our 43 Branches across Kuwait.