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Internal Customers' Satisfaction Survey - Business Partners
1. Please select your HR Business Partner: 2. My HR Business Partner provides correct information, solutions and alternative solutions, supporting the work to completion 3. My HR Business Partner responds to requests and inquires by providing me with the status of my request in timely manner 4. My Business Partner visits our department regularly and he/she is accessible and available when I need their assistance 5. My HR Business Partner provide clear and concise explanations of HR related matters. 6. My HR Business Partner works hard to understand and support my business needs 7. Please rate your overall satisfaction level with your HR Business Partner 8. Please share with us possible ways/ ideas to serve you better, using real cases from your previous experience with your HR Business Partner 9. Whom do you think is the most service oriented employee from the Human Resources Group including your Business Partner
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يرجى تغيير برنامج متصفّح مواقع الإنترنت
استخدم أحد البرامج التالية للحصول على تجربة أفضل وأسرع عند تصفح موقع بوبيان الإلكتروني.