1. Please rate your overall satisfaction level with the PMO Department 2. Please rate PMO’s contribution to overall project success 3. PMO employees support the work to completion by providing correct information and solutions, and setting project standard practices 4. Communications from PMO are clear and easy to understand, and they are able to facilitate communication within the project team and stakeholders 5. PMO employees work hard to understand and support my business needs 6. PMO employees resolve/respond to requests and inquires within an acceptable or agreed time frame 7. Please share with us possible ways/ ideas to serve you better, using real cases from your previous experience with the PMO Department
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يرجى تغيير برنامج متصفّح مواقع الإنترنت
استخدم أحد البرامج التالية للحصول على تجربة أفضل وأسرع عند تصفح موقع بوبيان الإلكتروني.