1. Which of the below investment products or services are you interested in (multiple selection): 2. Which of the investment timelines are you interested in? 3. Which of the below challenges do you face when investing (multiple selection): 4. Which of the below solutions do you think will help you invest more (multiple selection): 5. Which of the below would you like to be available to help you manage your personal investments and increase your market awareness? (multiple selection) 6. Which areas of automation do you find helpful to grow your wealth? (multiple selections) 7. Do you have any feedback or suggestions regarding digital solutions for savings or investment? (optional)
These might help
يرجى تغيير برنامج متصفّح مواقع الإنترنت
استخدم أحد البرامج التالية للحصول على تجربة أفضل وأسرع عند تصفح موقع بوبيان الإلكتروني.